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Castle of Rize

  • Heaven 

Rize Castle is one of the most important places of Rize in terms of Tourism. The city centre is easy to reach and is the first point where travellers want to reach and relax.

"The inner castle was built on a natural elevation of 150 meters above sea level. The entrance to the inner castle, which has a smooth, trapezoidal plan, is in the east direction.

Today, the castle is examined in four sections.
Lower Castle
The ruins of the outer Castle between the inner castle and Atatürk Street
"The castle and fortification heights range from about 2 meters to 20 cm. Wall thicknesses are around 2-3 meters. Chipped stone and Khorasan mortar were used as building material. The sections to the south of the castle, which were repaired in 1989, are of smooth stone.

1) there are support towers for strengthening the fortification walls and defense towers for defense purposes. The defensive towers are connected with the fortification walls and are generally round in form. Between these towers there are square and rectangular and round-shaped support towers at certain distances. These support towers were made outward protruding to give the attacking enemy the opportunity to defend from all directions.

2) there are houses built in reinforced concrete on the demolished parts of the city walls. In addition, the road passes over a traceable part of the city walls.

3) Castle and fortification heights range from about 2 meters to 20 cm. Wall thicknesses are around 2-3 meters. Yon stone and Khorasan mortar were used as building materials. The sections to the south of the castle, which were repaired in 1989, are of smooth stone.

Rize Castle 22.08.2011 dated 175851 and no.of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism General Directorate of cultural assets and museums 2011 took part in the investment program, relay, restoration, restitution and environmental and lighting projects were completed and the project was started to be implemented. Restoration work is ongoing.

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